An axe is an invaluable tool when you venture out into the wild, or even camping.
It is best to carry one for your camp. A hatchet is the best to take. You would only take a larger axe for the jobs at hand.
As I have said before, a knife is always must to take out with you, but pair it with an axe, it makes the work easier.
Of course as with a knife, a sharp blade is essential. The same goes for your axe. I wouldn't try chopping with a blunt axe, it would need more effort and can be very frustrating. Also very dangerous, as a blunt axe would miss or slip more, causing accidents.

You will need to protect your hands and face. These are the steps to avoid any accidents while sharpening an axe:
Wear thick leather gloves or you can get some safety gloves
If you are using a file, make sure it is in good working order, with a handle is best.
Wear safety goggles or glasses to protect against any metal particles.
If you want to wear a mask, go ahead, but if you will be using a power tool a mask is a must.
There are so many videos on the web on how to sharpen your axe. I will be updating this section soon. So you will have some good solid and safe ways to sharpen your axe.
In the meantime have a look at wikihows website about sharpening axes. Here is the link.