General treatment procedures
The effectiveness of all chemical treatment of water is related to the temperature, pH level, and clarity of the water. Cloudy water often requires higher concentrations of chemical to disinfect.
If the water is cloudy or filled with large particles, strain it, using a cloth, Millbank bag, etc, before treatment. Large particles, if swallowed, may be purified only "on the outside."
Add the chemical to the water and swish it around to aid in dissolving. Splash some of the water with the chemical onto the lid and the threads of the water bottle so that all water areas are treated.
The water should sit for at least 30 minutes after adding the chemical to allow purification to occur. If using tablets, let the water sit for 30 minutes after the tablet has dissolved.
The colder the water, the less effective the chemical is as a purifying agent.
It is best if water is at least 16 degrees Celsius before treating. You can place the water in the sun to warm it before treating.
Chemically treated water can be made to taste better by pouring it back and forth between containers, after it has been adequately treated. Other methods include adding a pinch of salt or adding flavourings after the chemical treatment period.
Iodine Treatment
Iodine is light sensitive and must always be stored in a dark bottle. It works best if the water is over 21 Celsius. Iodine has been shown to be more effect than chlorine-based treatments in inactivating Giardia cysts. Be aware that some people are allergic to iodine and cannot use it as a form of water purification. Persons with thyroid problems or on lithium, women over fifty, and pregnant women should consult their physician prior to using iodine for purification. Also, some people who are allergic to shellfish are also allergic to iodine. If someone cannot use iodine, use either a chlorine-based product or a non-iodine-based filter. Once the instructions have been followed,
let the treated water stand for 30 minutes before drinking. In order to destroy Giardia cysts, the drinking water must be at least 20 degrees Celsius. The water can be warmed in the sun before treating or hot water can be added.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
Chlorine Treatment
Chlorine can be used for persons with iodine allergies or restrictions. Remember that water temperature, sediment level, and contact time are all elements in killing microorganisms in the water. Halazone is an example of a chlorine tablet product. To use, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.